The Play Itself

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Performances take place from the 14th to the 18th of May inclusive, starting at 7.30pm in Broad Street, Oxford - location information. Tickets can be purchased by ringing the Oxford Playhouse on +44 (0) 1865 305 305, or by visiting their box office website.

Trinity Tower

Plot Synopsis

For those of you who don't mind the plot being spoiled, we have a detailed synopsis of the play available.

Director's Vision

The story of the Oxford martyrs, the three bishops burnt alive on Broad Street almost 450 years ago, tends to elicit two popular responses. On the one hand it fascinates us: what on earth could be so enthralling, so central to these brilliant and powerful men that they would willingly embrace the flames of martyrdom, when the road to freedom had beckoned so eloquently? On the other we are not so much appalled as disinterested: who cares? Didn't this all take place when men and women were shrouded in religious faith, a world away from ours? Religious wars were two a penny and we are none the wiser. What does their story have to say to us today, when the church, once a major player, has been squeezed into the margins where to many its voice seems distorted and irrelevant amongst the others which clamour for our attention?

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Last modified: 28/8/2006, 14:43:52 UTC
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